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History of architecture - Case studies

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History of architecture series - Case study of famous architectural buildings of all time. Breaking down different architectural buildings by drawing and explaining - sections, 3d views, floorplans, blown-up details and nomenclatures. All the fonts and drawings are hand drawn.

1. Rich Roman house (Domus) - Private family residence of rich people during the ancient rome period. Courtyard and atrium which helps the building to get more sunlight and ventilation at each part of the space. Decorative pillars which supports the entrance overhang. Different entrance for the shop and small windows to protect the house from thieves.

Drawing showing the 3d view of the Domus and a floorplan with all the nomenclatures.

2. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City, U.S. - The Guggenheim Museum grew out of the art-collecting activities of Solomon R. Guggenheim (1861–1949), who was part-heir to a fortune made in the American mining industry by his father, Meyer Guggenheim.

Solomon began collecting abstract art in the 1920s, and in 1939, he founded the Museum of Non-Objective Painting to display his collection in New York City.

This museum, which was owned and operated by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, was renamed the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in 1952.

In 1959, the museum received a permanent home in an innovative new building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The building represents a radical departure from traditional museum design, spiraling upwards and outwards in smoothly sculptured coils of massive unadorned white concrete.

3. Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey - The Hagia Sophia is an enormous architectural marvel in Istanbul, Turkey, that was originally built as a Christian basilica nearly 1,500 years ago.

Much like the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Parthenon in Athens, the Hagia Sophia is a long-enduring symbol of the cosmopolitan city. However, as notable as the structure is itself, its role in the history of Istanbul — and, for that matter, the world — is also significant and touches upon matters related to international politics, religion, art and architecture.

The Hagia Sophia anchors the Old City of Istanbul and has served for centuries as a landmark for both Orthodox Christians and Muslims, as its significance has shifted with that of the dominant culture in the Turkish city.

4. St. Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow, Russia - St. Basil’s Cathedral history is somewhat clouded by myths and legends. One such example is the story that revolves around the blinding of its architects.

Legend has it that Ivan the Terrible ordered the two designers to be removed of their sight after the project was finished so that they could never create something so beautiful in the future.

There isn’t much to back this St. Basil’s Cathedral story up, and it’s interesting to note that many researches aren’t even clear on whether there were two architects or just one. The cultural heritage register of Russia gives credit to two architects, their names being Barma and Postnik Yakovlev, while numerous academics lean towards the idea that these names refer to one singular person.

5. The Colosseum, Rome, Italy - The Colosseum, also named the Flavian Amphitheater, is a large amphitheater in Rome.

It was built during the reign of the Flavian emperors as a gift to the Roman people.

Construction of the Colosseum began sometime between 70 and 72 A.D. under the emperor Vespasian.

It opened nearly a decade later and was modified several times in the following years.

The massive structure measured approximately 189 by 156 meters (620 by 513 feet), towered four stories high and included 80 entrances to the amphitheater — 76 for the patrons, 2 for participants of events, and 2 exclusively for the emperor to use.

The sheer number of entrances proved to be necessary: The Colosseum could hold more than 50,000 spectators at its maximum capacity.


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